Bipolar disorder recovery is not subject to quick fixes. And hopeful avoidance won’t make your challenges easier. But there is hope. And there are steps to bipolar disorder recovery that do work well and work well for a long time. In fact, BD recovery is very possible and much more probable when you take specific measures centered on optimizing mental, physical and emotional stability.
In other words, it will be important that you focus your energy on what works and repeat those steps often. This ensures you gain the type of personal control and symptom management that fuel productivity and lasting relief.Of course, this is not something you must do on your own. Your disorder and recovery are also not something to be ashamed of. You are doing a brave thing to seek information, seek treatment, and seek support for maximizing your recovery. You deserve to feel as good about those things. And soon you will feel encouraged and empowered in your recovery.How?
Let’s Look at 5 Effective Steps to Bipolar Disorder Recovery
Get a Clear Diagnosis and Solid Guidance from Trained Professionals.
Recovery happens with help. This disorder presents emotional and mental symptoms and obstacles that are best observed, diagnosed, and approached by professionals. There is no shame in seeking them out or receiving their guidance. Going it alone or suffering in silence is not the best way to resolve the dark moods or strain on your relationships.
Allow yourself BD treatment expertise. Seek out a knowledgeable and well-trained physician and therapist. Accept referrals to other professionals if necessary. Give yourself the opportunity to get all the help you need, even if you feel you might not need it yet. It can’t hurt to gain their perspective and learn how they can help you.
Surround Yourself with Reliable, Supportive Loved Ones Who Get It
Bipolar disorder recovery is often difficult because the waves of emotion and changing moods that mark the disorder can do quite a number on your relationships. Still, BD is not a disorder that benefits from a self-help, go-it-alone game plan. It’s vital that you seek out people who are willing to consider your condition and remain reliably supportive throughout your treatment with the least amount of judgment or codependence.
The path of bipolar disorder recovery is rarely linear. Medication, psychotherapy, and alternative options will affect you in different ways, at different times. Finding people who can help you cope and overcome challenges provides key layers of encouragement, accountability, and advocacy when you need them. Insulate yourself with people who can help you navigate tough challenges, roller coaster experiences, and the stigma of the outside world.
Embrace Self-education & the Necessary Lifestyle Changes
While BD is not best served with a “self-help” solution, self-education and self-care are crucial components in your recovery. After a proper diagnosis has been made, learning how to think about BD can help you learn how to approach your recovery responsibly and productively. Helplessness diminishes the more you build a body of knowledge around the disorder, symptoms, treatment, etc. the more in control and proactive you’ll want to be.Pay special attention to the needs of your body and mind. It’s important not to tax either unnecessarily or ignore how they work together. The extremes of bipolar disorder can tempt you to medicate your feelings with harmful substances, poor nutrition, and unhelpful sleeping patterns.
Sleep deprivation especially has been indicated to manic episodes in BD sufferers in research over the years. Take time to be as intentional as possible about how you take care of yourself. Finally, resist the short-lived relief of drugs or alcohol. Seek help for substance abuse if you need to. Otherwise, obliging the urge to cope that way could result in compounded problems. Substance abuse can have serious ramifications on medical and therapeutic aspects of your treatment and risk the clarity and stability you long for. In general, your body needs to be strong and well to support the recovery of your mind.
Develop a Plan for Dealing with Emotions
Work with a therapist to become more self-aware and in touch with your emotions is vital for your recovery. Knowing how you are triggered and developing skills to cope keeps your recovery moving forward. It also helps relieve you of the strain it takes to avoid or bury emotions. Ways to tune in and experience your emotions productively may include the following:
Notice the physical sensations that exist with racing or upsetting thoughts.
Pause and resist the desire to take action. Remember that what you feel isn’t necessarily based on what’s real. You don’t have to act, move, or do anything in response.
Think through the waves of emotion. Don’t overreact, struggle, or pushback too hard. Waves tend to subside after a while.
Decide to ride out the wave. Feel the feeling. Experience the emotion rather than ignoring, avoiding, or burying it.
Shift your perspective on emotion. Try to see your feelings as helpful and purposeful. Look at emotions as indicators that something important is happening or needs to happen differently.
Boost Your Sense of Personal Mastery
Building mastery through routine, small goals, and intentionality puts you on a path of productivity and accomplishment that supports bipolar disorder recovery significantly. Because bipolar disorder is often overwhelming, choosing to perform certain activities, engage others, and practice consistency will help you feel more in control of your life and treatment success. Over time, effective self- management and symptom reduction can occur, improving the quality of your life and relationships.
Take the First Step….
BD is a serious condition. It requires time, patience, and commitment to recovery. That’s okay. You needn’t shy away or be ashamed. Instead, use the tips provided to inspire change. The first step is a professional consultation so that you can get your recovery plan underway. If you’re ready, I’m ready to help you move toward strength, health, and sustainable happiness.I’m here to move toward wellness with you.
If you would like some extra support and are looking for Bipolar Disorder psychotherapy, please contact me for a free consultation to learn about how I can be of service.