Healing from complex PTSD is possible.
How are you? Do you know? Perhaps, you have been avoiding, compartmentalizing, and suppressing your pain for so long it’s hard to know how you really feel?
Yes, you are surviving.
But, can you really recover from such long-term trauma?
The answer is yes. Yes, you can overcome your daily pain, numbness, or despair. Luckily, complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is not who you are. It is not built in. But, it feels like it.
Nonetheless, your body feels it and it affects your actions and interactions. But, you don’t know how to change.
For this reason, you need help. That’s why it’s good that you’re reading this.
Indeed, post traumatic growth is possible. You can heal. Ultimately, you can gain enough relief and rest to find the freedom to thrive.
Complex PTSD and Women:
In general, due to prolonged or long-term trauma, complex PTSD causes intense responses.
It is well known that women and children are most often impacted. In large part, this is because the number of complex PTSD sufferers are victimized in seemingly inescapable situations. This includes ongoing physical/sexual abuse and assault, relational abuse and domestic violence circumstances, etc.
Essentially, complex PTSD profoundly stems from emotional or physical captivity. Unfortunately, you were controlled and convinced you could not escape. As a result, you and your perceptions changed.
Statistically, men are affected by these situations in smaller numbers.
Studies show that women are consistently more likely to meet criteria for complex PTSD. Additionally, experts find that women experience more severe symptoms than men. This is true even when men experienced the same traumatic events. Why? Scientists find that women think and process trauma differently and more acutely.
With that said, you don't need to judge yourself. Your whole self-concept was altered. As well as, your ability to adapt to stressful events was compromised.
The research indicates, too, that the symptoms of complex PTSD can manifest as depressive disorders, personality disorders, and somatic disorders like fibromyalgia or digestive ailments like IBS, or Crohn’s disease.
Many women cope by avoiding trauma-related thoughts and topics to get rid of overwhelm.
Perhaps you’ve tried to numb out with food, substance, or even self-harm. Only for others, who don't understand what you're living with, to judge you. Maybe you’ve judged your own behavior harshly too?.
To heal, you’ll need to acknowledge what you've been through. Likewise, you'll need to journey past the place where you’ve been held hostage.
It’s time your body and mind are rescued.
Healing through Post Traumatic Growth (PTG)
Your therapist can be a helping hand.
You need a safe, knowledgeable, experienced therapist to guide you through this process. In addition, they will need to provide you treatment that is relevant, effective, compassionate, and committed to your Post traumatic growth.
Know that, when finding a therapist, it’s perfectly okay to be choosy. Namely, you'll want to ensure your therapist is capable of guiding you towards your PTG.
Also, ask how they understand and define Complex PTSD. How many survivors have they treated? As well as, determine whether they know how to help you feel safe and deal with co-occurring conditions like addiction or dissociation you may struggle with.
Next, you’ll need a clear understanding of what post traumatic growth looks like.
Interestingly, Dr. Judith Herman of Harvard University, an expert in Complex PTSD, believes that recovery comes through regaining control and power. Noting that, soothing relationships foster safety and assists awareness. This awareness leads to reconnection and engagement with everyday life.
Essentially, the goal is to experience positive change. According to recent research, Post Traumatic Growth generally occurs when you are:
Developing a sense of possibility, opportunity, and new beginnings that came from your struggle.
Changing your relationships with others.
Feeling more connected to other sufferers.
Feeling personal strength and the ability to face whatever comes.
Appreciating life more in general.
Shifting and deepening spiritual aspects of yourself.
Women & Post Traumatic Growth
PTG is amplified in women. Why?
Scientists say, women generally process traumatic events with a more emotion-focused coping style. Basically, post-traumatic growth stems from actively thinking about the trauma, attempting to make sense of it, and working through it.
Of course, all of this means one thing. You can get better and feel better.
In reality, as you face your trauma once and for all, it doesn’t mean you don’t hurt or won’t be challenged significantly. But, with a compassionate therapist by your side, your growth and healing can happen.
If you would like some extra support and are looking for PTSD Treatment, please contact me for a free 30-minute consultation to learn about how I can be of service.