Depression Help for Ending Negative Self Talk. Follow These Tips For a More Positive You.

By April Lyons MA, LPC

Do you feel your grasp on depression recovery steadily slipping? Are you struggling more and more often to hold onto positivity and hopefulness? If so, you may be experiencing a real need for depression help, support, and guidance.

Why? Every emotion starts with a thought. It may be that you are talking yourself out of the empowerment and resilience you long for, at a time when you need it most. When you think negative thoughts you create negative feelings that can lead to negative self-talk. Before you know it the world seems darker and your sense of hope is dimmed. It's important to recognize when this is happening and turn back toward the strategies that make your recovery successful.

Negative self-talk is a highly effective downer.

If negativity via self-talk is your tendency, you may be suffering a slow slide back into depression. Using hurtful language inside your own head fosters a poor relationship with yourself. Depressive thinking then develops from your own self-mistreatment.

Harsh self-criticism when you have a history of depression is not only counter-productive, it can effectively erode the confidence your recovery has built thus far. Instead of helping you to move forward, negative self-talk steals your hard-fought enthusiasm and the momentum you've gained toward a life without such dark moods and sadness.

Depression Help for Negative Self-Talk Tips.

To prevent negative self-talk from having its way, take some time to slow down and review what you notice about yourself and say about yourself. What do you say to yourself when you feel stressed or must connect with other people?

  • Do you tell yourself the truth?

  • Are you prone to give yourself credit where it’s due?

  • Do you encourage yourself when things don’t go the way you hope?

Or is your internal dialogue marked by persistent shame, inner critique, and unchecked self-beratement? There are many types of negative self-talk.To overcome depression in a lasting way you must value yourself. When low self-esteem, loneliness, and insecurity start to fuel depression try:

  • Self-directed friendliness and kindness.

  • Shutting down your inner critic with intentional thoughts that are inwardly gracious and forgiving derails depression.

  • Prepare for automatic negativity with a mantra that reminds you of your right to happiness and your worth as a person.

  • If you need depression help or reminders, reach out to a friend, loved one, or your therapist.

  • To recover well: rest, reset, reach out.

Depression Help Plan

The effort alone can make you question the work at times. This can lead to self-defeating self-talk too. So, to counter further negativity, you need to keep a plan in place. Remember, your depressive thoughts are not reliable. Don't give into them. Your depressed mind fears change and will try to hold you back with means thoughts and words. Fortunately, your recovering mind is not powerless. There are several things you do to effectively counter persistently negative self-talk in the following ways

  • Shore up support. Don't isolate. Engage meaningfully with trusted loved ones or a support group.

  • Journal. Use a journal to catalog your inner thoughts, feelings, and dialogues. Share with those you trust to support you.

  • Give yourself a break: Allow self-compassionate time rest and recover from stress and anxiety. Consciously refrain from pushing yourself too hard. Recovery takes time.

  • Schedule time with a professional. Your therapist is there to help and guide you. Work as a team to preserve your recovery safely and without judgment.

It is vital to remember that you are in continual communication with yourself. How you interact, respond, and recover from depression is directly related to how you talk to yourself. When negativity seeps into that inner dialogue you may need help turning things around. There is no shame in reaching out for help.

We can work through the challenges of depression together. Eventually, you'll be able to offer yourself much more compassion and love.

If you would like support and are looking for a psychotherapist, please contact us for a free consultation to learn about how we can be of service.

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