EMDR Awareness Therapy: Insight Equals Better Choices

By April Lyons MA, LPC

The dictionary defines insight as "being able to see or understand something clearly.” This deep understanding of yourself is the aim of various forms of psychotherapy, including EMDR awareness therapy.

We want clarity. We want to look deeper, know more, and feel confident that we have a firm grasp on why we are. So, why do we sign up for such work? Because with personal insight comes the ability to choose lifestyle changes, relationships, and goals that serve us well. Without personal insight, we tend to stumble relationally, cycle emotionally in negative ways, and too often, get in our own way.

Let's explore why and how personal insight makes decision-making more fruitful and fulfilling.

It has been said, to be aware is to be present, a witness to our life experiences. Awareness and consciousness go hand in hand. But this doesn't mean we automatically have insight. Although we are present, awareness may not be remembered or remembered correctly.

In addition, our perception can be affected by intense emotional responses or sensory experiences. As well as our focus can become muddled and our decisions misinformed. This happens if we neglect the need for metal healing and complete emotional processing.

EMDR Awareness Therapy: Recognizing and Reprocessing Leads to Improved Perception

Fear and upset limit the options that we see and consider. Untimely, the key is to be keenly aware of how you’re feeling and responding.

Biologically, when we feel strong emotions, our amygdala is activated (the “fight, flight, freeze or fawn” response region in our brains). This area inspires quick, life-saving decisions. Resulting in, limited and a speedy choice. This is fine if danger is imminent but not if a situation is more complex. Optimal, long-range decision-making can be seriously hindered if the emotion-driven section of your brain is in control.Using EMDR to calm the amygdala makes way for the higher-level thinking available in the prefrontal cortex brain region. Then more thoughtful, integrated planning can occur. Thus, better choices are likely to be made.

EMDR Awareness Therapy: Acceptance, Emotional Regulation, & Motivation

You cannot make choices that honor yourself if you don't know or accept yourself. Personal insight fosters internal peace and supports your confidence and capacity to make healthy choices. EMDR encourages you to gently pay attention to your experiences, learning to draw on your memories and train your focus. In addition, somatic therapies connect to your body's desire to heal itself.

As you pay attention to how you move and use space provides personal insight into your experience. Thereby, a freeing sense of choice and safety arise. You can better observe your emotions and physical states without being controlled by them. Better still, you can mindfully use your insights as a guide for directing, shaping and realizing your most gratifying life. Identifying options that promote a sense of safety, calm, and peace becomes easier. Reflecting on your feelings, thoughts, and history becomes both fulfilling and motivating.

EMDR Awareness Therapy: Insight Promotes the "Oversight" Needed to Choose Well

Developing awareness on an emotional and somatic level makes insight possible. Personal insight then begins a path toward seeing and understanding the world from your own, informed point of view. Making choices for your own good is then more possible.

Yet, this begins an even more beneficial journey. You start to develop a clearer perspective or "oversight" beyond yourself. Choices you make will more easily account for possibilities and differences of opinion. This, in turn, will fuel and expand your personal insight to avoid self-limiting perceptions that obstruct good choices.

Take Steps Now Toward Insight and Happier Choices

Finally, personal insight is the start of a healing process. With awareness, we notice inconsistencies between the lives we live and the truer lives we want. Therefore, developing the capacity to remain aware of our minds and bodies, fosters the health and emotional integrity necessary for a stable sense of self. Along with, a more objective perspective on the past. From there better choices are a natural outcome.

Are you ready to develop personal insight and change your life? Let's work together on this. Please reach out here for a free consultation to learn more about EMDR Therapy and get the help you need.