I’m Experiencing a Gender Identity Crisis! Is That Normal at My Age?

By April Lyons MA, LPC

It can be very confusing to have a gender identity crisis as an adult. Maybe you are wondering why you didn’t realize this sooner, like when you were a child.

The truth is, it’s different for everyone and there is no magic age where you get answers. Gender stereotypes, societal pressures, and families of origin, among other things, all play a role in how we view gender.

The harm done by these stereotypes and pressures often reduces gender down to simplistic behaviors and presentations. However, gender isn’t defined by society, it is defined by the individual. It’s about feeling comfortable with your identity, regardless of your biological gender assignment. You should never feel trapped by your gender assigned at birth, no matter the age.

Here is what it means to have a gender identity crisis as an adult.

Signs of an Adult Gender Identity Crisis

You are experiencing a gender identity crisis if you have been unhappy with your sexual organs or physical features, like facial hair or breasts, for at least six months. For example, a deep voice or an Adam’s apple can make you feel incomplete if you identify better with female characteristics.

If you are experiencing gender dysphoria, you may dislike your primary or secondary sex characteristics or want to change them. You may want the defining characteristics of another gender (or neither gender) because it feels more like you. Even your emotions may feel like they belong to a different gender. If these feelings are causing significant distress and interfering with your life, it is time to do something about it.

Causes of an Adult Gender Identity Crisis

It can be hard to tell what causes a gender identity crisis. Genes, hormonal influences in the womb, and environmental factors can be possible. You may have experienced these feelings since childhood, but unknowingly suppressed them. There are plenty of potential factors contributing to experiencing a crisis later in life.

Truthfully, not everyone is able to identify and name the feelings they have as a kid. You might have felt something when you were small but couldn’t explain it. But as you grow into a greater understanding of who you are, you can put language to the gender dysphoria you feel. This can come more into a full circle when you start dating, develop your own style, or through other walks of life.

When an Adult Gender Identity Crisis is Undiagnosed

Ignoring your gender identity crisis is not going to make it go away. These feelings will just get more intense and can potentially lead to mental health problems like depression, substance abuse disorders, and even suicide attempts.

You never want to feel like there is nothing you can do to make yourself happy. Seek help now once you realize your true gender identity so you can live the life you want.

Treating an Adult Gender Identity Crisis

Treatment for an adult gender identity crisis is all about addressing the distress you are experiencing. Speaking with a therapist will teach you what you can do so you can be your true self. These changes can be your changing name, wearing different clothes, taking hormones, or considering top or gender reassignment surgery.

Once you fully transition, it is still wise to continue with therapy. This will help you navigate the responses of friends and family, as well as prioritize your own emotional health and well-being. You also want to continue seeing a doctor in order to make sure any phyhsical gender transitioning is working out well.

We are always here to help you. If you are looking for LGBTQIA therapy and think we might be a good fit, please contact us today for a free consultation.