When exercise is your life’s priority rather than part of a healthy foundation for your life, you may be addicted. It’s ok to enjoy exercise. It’s ok to value fitness and health. And downtime is ok too. You should be able to concentrate at home or at work without itching for a third or fourth go on the treadmill. Exercise should not be making you sick.
Binge Eating Disorder Facts: Get the Trut
Identifying the 5 Most Common PTSD Symptoms in Women
PTSD symptoms in women include a high prevalence of at least one other mental health disorder. The survey noted that PTSD symptoms in women might inspire panic disorder and fuel agoraphobia while men lean toward substance abuse and aggression. For many female PTSD sufferers, panic is stimulated by their other symptoms or it simply seems to come out of the blue.
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Name-Calling: What's Normal and What's Cruel?
When your child runs to you from the playground, hurt or angered by another child’s taunts, you probably have a strong reaction to name-calling. If your partner crosses the line when a heated conflict gets hurtfully personal, you may want to engage in a bit of name-calling yourself. For the most part, we know what name-calling is about.
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The 4 Most Common Treatments for PTSD
These common treatments for PTSD are essential because, trauma, unchecked, changes you. The stress of it seeps into your mind and body. You feel it in your body. You experience it again and again. You see your trauma, smell it, taste it, sense it. But you are not alone.With the help of a trained and compassionate therapist, recovery are entirely possible.
Understanding PTSD: The Causes and Symptoms
The 4 Types of Parenting Styles -- Which One Are You?
What are the four types of parenting styles and why are they important? As a parent, you hold the most important role in your child's physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development. Every word, tone, reaction, or decision has the power to greatly impact his or her life on a daily basis.
Clinical and developmental psychologist, Diana Baumrind, identified four types of parenting styles through her research and clinical studies. She narrowed the different approaches and their effects on child development, based on the factors of control and warmth. Most families will include a mix of one or more of the different types of parenting styles described here:
1. Authoritarian
Parenting Traits:· Emphasis on control· Strict rules and punishment· High expectations· May withdraw affection as punishment· Demand respect and obedience, no negotiation· Minimal communication, no explanation or reasoning
Expressions:"Because I said so""Do as I say"
Impact on child's development:· Well-behaved child· Child may develop fear or anxiety· Poor self-esteem· Submissive to authority, dependent, or develop resentment against authority in general
2. Authoritative / Democratic
Parenting Traits:· Balance between control and warmth· Strict discipline with reasoning and compassion· Engage child in conversation and understanding of consequences· Treat child with respect and kindness· Encourage child to reflect on behavior and decisions
Expressions:"Please finish your homework, we can talk about video games later" "This behavior is not acceptable, because..."
Impact on child's development:· Well behaved, accomplished· Self-reliant, good self-esteem· Emotionally healthy· Socially responsible· Feels valued and important· Good communication skills· Autonomous
3. Permissive
Parenting Traits:· Emphasis on warmth· Avoid disappointing the child· A friend more than a parent· Avoid confrontations or dislikes· No rules or demands· Child makes decisions
Expressions:"Sure, why not""Anything you want is fine with me"
Impact on child's development:· High self-esteem· Feels that rules don't apply to him or her· Egocentric tendencies· Little respect for authority· Lack of social responsibility
4. Uninvolved / Detached
Parenting Traits:· Emotionally detached· No demands on child· Limited time with child· Personal/professional needs come first· Possible neglect
Expressions:"I don't care, do what you want""I don't have time for you"
Impact on child's development:· Abandonment issues· Lack of motivation· Social detachment· Depression· Difficulties in school
Which Parenting Style Is Best? According to several studies, the authoritative (democratic) style is proven to have the most positive impact on child development. The balance between authority and understanding allows the child to learn, at an early age, the consequence of actions while surrounded with respect and affection. It promotes an environment for the child to make decisions and learn from her mistakes, while still getting the structure and supervision he needs to feel safe and protected.
In the absence of kindness and compassion (authoritarian), the child learns to obey without questioning or reasoning, and setting his or her emotions aside. On the other hand, an overly loving environment without rules (permissive) will leave the child struggling from the lack of discipline and authority.
The Uninvolved parenting style neglects both the warmth and the control a child needs to function properly in society and in life in general. This doesn't mean that every child raised in an authoritative family will end up at the top of his class, and excel in every aspects of her life, or that every child raised in a detached parenting style will quit school and resort to delinquent behavior.
Understanding these four types of parenting styles is important, but there are many variables that will affect your child's personality and actions, no matter how much you give as a parent, however, teaching by example with a compassionate, understanding and disciplined parenting style will ensure a solid foundation for your child to build upon.
If you’re looking to improve your parenting style and would like some compassionate nonjudgmental support, please reach out for a free consultation today.
Click here to learn more about child counseling and my practice in Boulder, CO.
For your other needs, you can count on April Lyons Psychotherapy Group, to help you heal and grow through EMDR therapy, somatic therapy, trauma therapy, and PTSD treatment, because we believe in your strength and potential for recovery.
Take These Steps to Help Tame Your Eating Disorder
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